Loiret Relocation, make your professional transfer in France easier










For the new comers, a successful integration means long lasting commitment

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The advantages of dealing with a relocation professional

Loiret Relocation For the company

  • An employee fully available for his new job from day one
  • A more operational and committed employee
  • A better control of the transfer cost

Loiret Relocation For the employee

  • A significant reduction of the time spent to prepare the moving of his family
  • A reduction of the associated travel cost
  • The skill and the advice of a professional with a perfect knowledge of the region, who looks after the overall operation
  • A tailored assistance which make him/her feel more confortable and which will guarantee a quicker and more successful integration
  • A post installation follow-up and a help-line at the disposal of the family


« To make their moving a positive experience, and
for their integration in their new life environnement to be a success,
we listen carefully, we welcome warmly, and
we advise efficiently the families who are moving.
This is our view of service. 





The advantages of dealing with a relocation


Loiret-Relocation - 1 Chemin de l'Eglise - 45800 COMBLEUX - loiret-relocation@neuf.fr - SIRET 433 535 390 00028 


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